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Environmental Policy Organisation: ‘The Company’ is an independent provider of assessment, treatment, case management and rehabilitation services, operating from leased offices with a number of homeworkers providing specialist advice to clients by telephone. We value quality, care and responsibility in everything we do, and this has led to us to consider our environmental impact: at […]
Here is an example COSHH Document we supplied to one of our commercial customers which is required by law before any cleaning work can be carried out SAFETY DATA SHEET BIOSHIELD LEMON Page 1 Issued: 01/08/2008 Revision No: 3 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY […]
EXAMPLE RISK ASSESSMENT Company name: XXXXX Date of risk assessment: 03//02/2010 What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? What further action is necessary? Action by who? Slips, trips and falls Staff and others, including the public, […]