Cooking for the family is hard enough without spillages, nasty smells, smoke, and bugs being a hindrance.  Here are our 10 biggest kitchen annoyances and what you can do to get rid of them.     

Avoid Spillages Inside and Outside of Your Fridge

When we get up in the morning most of us are still a little sleepy, and if you find it tricky pouring your morning orange juice—especially when that jug is a bit too  full—you can make it easier on yourself by putting a chopstick (or other stick-like object) across the mouth. The water will stick to the rod and flow into your glass rather than dribbling all down the jug and making a mess.

Get Rid Of Fruit Flies Once and For All

Ever had an insect infestation? Fruit flies are something we’ve all had to deal with one time or another, and they can be difficult to get rid of once they’ve settled in.  Fortunately, you can make an effective trap using a small amount of apple cider vinegar. Pour some in a glass, add a drop or two of dish soap to break the surface tension, and enjoy watching the little buggers sink  to the bottom when they come over for their midday snack.

Prevent The Mishap Of Messy Pizzas

Some nights you just don’t feel like cooking or just can’t be bothered and those nights often become pizza delivery nights. Eating the pizza can often be more than a messy experience, particularly when the toppings slip right off. This  usually occurs because the pizza was cut right after it was cooked, before anything had a chance to set and cool. To prevent this problem from happening in the future, order your pizza uncut and cut it yourself.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.

Soothe and Prevent the Burn from Hot Peppers & Chillies

Most of us at some time or another have cooked  with hot peppers and chillies, then rubbed our eyes only to spend the rest of the evening in complete agony. It’s not a very nice experience to say the least, but you can soothe that burn the same way you’d soothe it after eating those peppers: with a little milk.  Flush out your eyes with some milk and you should find relief pretty quickly. If you don’t have milk to hand, sugar can help too. To avoid the problem in the future, rub some olive oil on your hands after working with the peppers to get the oils off your hands—sometimes regular water doesn’t do the trick.

Stop Fizzy Drinks From Fizzing Over

When you pour a cold glass of Fizzy Drink such as Coke or Lemonade too quickly it fizzes up so much that it overflows. The problem is particularly bad if you have ice in your glass, because that ice has lots of nucleation points on it for bubbles to form. The answer to this very annoying problem is to get your ice wet before you put it in the glass. It will keep your drink from fizzing so much, and there won’t be any mess. If you’ve accidentally shaken up your can of fizzy drink, you can fix that by tapping on the can or just waiting a minute before you crack it open.

Make Butter That Has Just Come Out Of The Fridge Spreadable

Getting butter out of the fridge to use straightaway is very annoying as it is impossible to spread.  You just end up with a rock hard lump of butter that you can’t spread on your bread or toast or you microwaving it which makes a mess all over your plate.  Here’s a clever remedy: use a cheese grater to grate the butter onto your toast, which will melt faster and spread soooo easily.

Clean Your Microwave Without the Hassle

No matter how careful you are, microwaves get dirty over time, and you’re going to have to get in there and clean it. But instead of rubbing off all that dry, stuck on food or even worse burnt on food, you can make the job a whole lot quicker and easier.  This is can be achieved by placing a bowl of water in the microwave and running it, you’ll loosen up all that gunk and grime and make it so much easier to wipe clean. You can also add some lemon or vinegar to the water if you like, or even microwave a wet sponge—not only will you disinfect the sponge, but you’re ready to wipe down the inside right then and there!

How To Cut Onions Without Crying

If cutting an onion brings on the tears you can try a few things to stop that from happening. Try putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth and breathing through your mouth, or cut the cone out of the onion first, since that’s the source of eye irritants. You can also soak them in water, but this will give your onions a milder flavour, so only do this one if you don’t mind a not strong onion flavour.

Ged Rid of Fish Odours and Other Smelly Foods

The smell of sizzling fish is gorgeous when you’re cooking it.  The smell of raw meat isn’t generally the most pleasant of smells. If you want to kill the odour of yukky stinky smelling foods, try soaking them in milk before you cook them..

Stop the Fire Alarm From Going Off Every Time You Cook

Smoke alarms are very important to have in every home, but sometimes they’re just so very annoying.  If your smoke alarm has a tendency to go off when you cook, you can use a shower cap or plastic bag to temporarily “disable” it. Some alarms even have a built-in function that disables it for 15 minutes.


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