Cleaning Red Wine Spills From Your Carpet

There are a number of household items that will help you quickly remove that red wine spills on your carpet. Use one of these techniques and your red wine stain will be gone in no time.

If the stain is still wet, you can simply add one of these household cleaners to begin the wine stain removal process.

Talcum Powder: Talcum powder is a good solution. The powder will soak up the wet red wine and remove it from your carpet. Add as much talcum powder as you need to fully cover the stain with so that there is plenty of powder to soak up the red wine.

Corn Starch: Corn starch is another product you can use to remove red wine stains. While the stain is wet, pour the corn starch onto your carpet and it will soak up the wine. Again, make sure that you use enough to cover the red wine spill so that there is plenty of corn starch to soak up the red wine.

Table Salt: In the same way that the talcum powder and corn starch work, adding table salt to the stain on the carpet will soak up the red wine.

If the red wine has already dried and turned into a stain, try this method:

Club Soda, Then Table Salt: If the stain is dry already, re-wet the stain using club soda and then add the table salt. The club soda will help lift the stain away from the carpet and the table salt will then soak it up. You can also use talcum powder or corn starch instead of table salt.

Leave On Overnight: Once you add the corn starch, table salt or talcum powder to the stain, you’ll want to give it plenty of time to soak up the red wine spill. My recommendation is that you leave the stain cleaner on the stain overnight or at least for several hours.

This will ensure that the stain is fully soaked up and that the stain is gone. If you want to test it first for a few hours, you can also re-wet the stain based on my recommendation above.

Then vacuum up the household cleaner and both the cleaner and stain should be gone from your carpet. If there is still some stain remaining, try the method above by rewetting the stain and adding more cleaner to soak up the remaining red wine stain.

Blot, Don’t Rub: If you do decide to try to get some of the red wine spill up before adding one of the items above, make sure you blot the stain, don’t rub.

If you rub the red wine, it will move deeper into the carpet and will be much harder to get out. On carpet, you best bet is to immediately add one of the items above that will soak up the red wine instead of trying to blot it out first.

Specialized Products: There are also a few products on the market designed specifically to remove red wine stains. The section Removing Red Wine Stain with Specialized Products section to learn more about the top products. Some of these tips will also work if you have spilled red wine in your clothing.

However, there are some special things you need to keep in mind when spilling on clothing. Go to the section Removing Red Wine Stains from Clothing to get the specific techniques on removing red wine spills from your clothes.

Removing Red Wine Stains from Clothing

Follow these useful tips for removing red wine stains from your clothing. These techniques should allow you to remove that red wine spill or stain in no time.

Blot, Don’t Rub: The first thing to remember when removing wines stains is to make sure you are blotting, not rubbing the stain. By blotting the stain, you are soaking up the wine instead of rubbing it more into your clothing.

Dry Clean Only Clothing: Do not try to remove the stain on your own if your clothing is dry clean only. You can try to blot some of the stain out, but do not use anything else on it as it may ruin the clothing. Take it as quickly as possible to your dry cleaners and work with them on stain removal options. If you do try to clean it on your own, it may leave a mark that you are not able to fix later.

Household Solutions for Wet Stains: There are a number of products around your house that you can use for removing red wine stains. Here are some of the top options:

  • Club Soda: One of the most popular options is to use club soda to get the stain out. Moisten a cloth with club soda and blot the stain with the club soda. Continue to blot until the stain is gone. This is a great one to use too if you are at a restaurant or bar, since they will all have club soda for you to use.
  • Talcum Powder: If the stain is still wet, add talcum powder to the stain. The powder will soak up the wet red wine and remove it from your clothing.
  • Milk: Another household method of removing red wine stains is to use milk on the stain. Use the same method as with the club soda. While the stain is still wet, dab milk on the stain and it will soak up the wine.
  • Corn Starch: Corn starch is another product you can use to remove red wine stains. While the stain is wet, pour the corn starch onto your fabric and it will soak up the wine.

Household Solutions for Dry Stains: Even if the stain has dried, you can still successfully remove the stain. You can try either club soda or milk from above or use the method below that provide a little more power.

  • Vinegar/Water Mixture: Create a mixture of 50% vinegar and 50% water. Soak your fabric where the stain is located in the mixture and the stain will lift out of the fabric.
  • Club Soda: You can also try rewetting the stain with Club Soda as you dab at the stain and soak up the red wine.

Wash Right Away: Even once you’ve used a solution above, it’s best to then try to wash the clothing right away. This will ensure you get rid of any residue from the cleaner you used above.

Specialized Products: There are also a few products on the market designed specifically to remove red wine stains. The section Removing Red Wine Stain with Specialized Products section to learn more about the top products. If you are trying to remove a red wine stain from your carpet, visit the Cleaning Red Wine Spills From Your Carpet section.

Removing Red Wine Stain with Specialized Products

These removing red wine stain products are some of the top products on the market today. They are either designed specifically for red wine stain removal or the removal of deep, dark juice and wine stains.

Wine Away: Wine Away is a made from natural fruit and vegetable extracts, so it’s safe to use to remove stains. Simply spray the Wine Away on the stain, as quickly as possible, and it will lift the it off your fabric. Wine Away also works on stains that have already dried, but it’s best to try to remove it as quickly as possible after the spill.

Spot Shot: This product is designed for all deep, dark juice or wine stains. It’s another great option to use on those tough jobs. The great thing about this product is that it is also effective for both wet and dry stains.

You can purchase both products from your local super market or through Before starting the removal process, make sure you read and follow the directions before using them on your stain.

There are also many common household cleaners you can use to clean both your carpet and your clothing

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