How To Simplify your Home in 10 Steps

Having a beautiful house to go home to is something that takes your fatigue away whenever you come home from work. Simplifying your home can do wonders for its overall appearance by getting rid of junk and maintaining cleanliness on a daily basis. Here is how to simplify your home in 10 steps.

  • Check for clutter. Whenever you go into or step out from a portion of your house, do a quick inspection to check if everything is in order. See if there are things that are not supposed to be where they currently are or inspect if there is garbage lying around the floor. If you see something, take quick action and clean it up immediately.

  • Clean the dishes. The common mistake is to leave the dishes in the sink after every meal. When this gets neglected, dirty plates and utensils get piled up causing an unsightly scene that will also likely emit a foul odor. To avoid this, always keep your sink spotless and your dishes clean.

  • Clear cluttered tables. Never leave things scattered on tables. Make sure that every item is placed in its proper location to avoid a messy appearance. If you have kids, their toys will probably be always brought out and left in the open. Teach them to put their toys away properly before moving on to another activity.

  • Keep laundry away. One thing you should always remember is to put your dirty clothes in the hamper and not leave them scattered around your home. Rather than be confused if the clothing item you are holding is clean or not, put it with the rest of your dirty clothes. Other than that, make sure you also set aside at least one day a week to do the laundry to avoid having dirty clothes piling up.

  • Organize your work area. If you have an area in your home that you consider a work space, do your best to remove all unused items and clutter on your desk. A clean work area is easier to look at and is much more appealing than one that is cluttered.

  • Remove food from the table. Do not by any means leave leftover food on the table. All food should be properly stored in the refrigerator, airtight containers, or in the cupboard. Leaving food on the table makes it prone to bacteria, spoilage, and insect infestation.

  • Create notes. Leave post-it notes on your desk or refrigerator that contain tasks that you need to do for your home. For example, you can remind yourself that tomorrow is floor cleaning day and the day after that is laundry day. Keeping track of your tasks makes for a well-organized home.

  • Do gardening. Even if you don’t have a garden blossoming with flowers, making sure that the hedges are trimmed and the lawn is mowed allowing you to maintain a beautiful home exterior.

  • Keep mail, magazines and books neatly. Reading materials should be placed in bookcases and never should be left lying around on tables and kitchen counters.

  • Arrange furniture. Couches, cabinets, and tables should be arranged in such a way that they do not look cluttered. A room in your house, regardless of size, should be optimized to the fullest. Make room for walking around the floor area.


There you have it, 10 easy steps to organize and simplify your home. By following them, you will have a well-organized home free from clutter and dirt.

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