Cleaning Shortcuts

Plan A Cleaning Route
For a bungalow or flat, start with a corner room and work inward. If you have a two-story house, start with a room at the top corner of your home and work your way in and down. Clean each room completely before moving on, this will save you time and energy in not walking back and forth.

Break Up The Monotomous Cleaning Job of Your Entire House
Instead of spending the whole day or weekend cleaning, split the house up and do a morning one day and then the same the following day.  You might like to split it into upstairs one day and downstairs the next, followed by a third day for the basement or attic room if you have one, along with the garage.

When to Get The Professionals In

If you lead a busy life, it is worth using the services of a professional cleaning company (like Kleenology) to come in now and then for a blitz clean.  This makes it easier to keep your home clean from week to week, otherwise it can just get on top of you.  If you are moving out of your home it is worth using the cleaning professionals to come and thoroughly clean the house from top to bottom as you probably have enough to do with all the arrangements involved in moving house.

In the Kitchen
Keep your kitchen neat and tidy by putting things away after use.  Store cookware and utensils near the cooker so they are within reach when cooking. Keep the kitchen spray cleaner near the sink so it’s easy to clean up after meal time.

In the Bathroom
keep a spray bottle of glass cleaner and bathroom cleaner with a cloth under each sink for quick regular cleanups.

In the Cupboard under the Stairs
Purchase some little storage units with separate draws for gloves, hats, and scarves. Get some little plastic storage containers to house lightbulbs, batteries, and emergency candles.

Organise your Cleaning Materials
To make your cleaning routine more efficient and easier, use a basket or caddy to store your products and supplies.  A handy place to keep them would be your utility room if you have one. Make a checklist of all the products you use so that when you are running low on something you can add it to your next shopping list.

Laundry Room or Utility Room
Keep all laundry supplies together in a pretty basket or box. This will save time when doing loads of laundry and will keep the laundry area tidy.

Use a Basket
Place a linen basket in the bedroom of all the family members.  Also place three baskets in the laundry area — for dark clothes, light clothes, and towels/bedding.  Just before washing day get the members of the family to transfer their dirty washing from their linen baskets to the appropriate baskets in the laundry area.

Two-Person Household
You will probably find doing the washing once a week is enough, but plan for additional loads if you need to wash uniforms, work clothes, or gym clothes. If smart clothes and suits are worn by either yourself or your partner, add a weekly trip to the dry cleaners.

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