Christmas Cleaning Planner

  • Take some time over the next few weeks to clear out any old toys to make room for the new ones, why not pop them on freecycle, eBay or donate to a charity shop some of the better ones.
  • Defrost the freezer to make space for the Christmas food, why not browse our easy to cook meals and make double now whilst you have the time and put half in the freezer for ease of use over the holidays.
  • Tidy the food cupboards to make room (throwing away out of date stuff etc) make a list of essentials that you need, now is also a good time to make sure the cupboards are reorganised so you can find ingredients quickly.
  • Give your oven a thorough clean in preparation for serving up a Christmas feast.
  • This is also a good time of year for the annual under sofa clean outs too as they get moved around to make room for the tree, why not have a reshuffle before you bring the tree down so you aren’t pushing furniture around a large tree!
  • Make sure you’re up to date on washing and ironing so you can neglect it over Christmas.
  • Bring down the decorations a few days before they are needed and take the time to check the lights all work & there are no broken decorations, you can also give the decorations a light clean to make them sparkle on the tree.
  • Why not have a quick tidy of the loft when getting the decorations down, you could always use the space to hide some presents in too!
  • Don’t put the decorations up so early, they are harder to clean around and can attract dust.
  • You could also get a plastic (or cardboard) box for each person’s room (inc bathroom/kitchen etc) for all those little things/knick-knacks/oddments that come with/part of Christmas presents that you really don’t know what to do with immediately! Perhaps keep them on the stairs for easy access.
  • Make sure there’s room in the rubbish bin/recycle bin for the extra rubbish. Make sure you have enough bin bags etc.
  • Check to make sure you have enough plates, cutlery and glasses and give them all a good clean in the run up to Christmas.
  • Make sure there’s enough stuff like sellotape and batteries in the house. If you’ve bought electronic stuff for the kids/hubby make sure you’ve got the right batteries to fit.
  • Don’t forget to cean the windows and the front door/doorstep and sweep the leaves away to make a good impression when your guests arrive.


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